Manu and Nils
are at your service!
+33 4 95 44 90 13

Terms and conditions for hire

Last update: February 4, 2021.

This page has been translated for your understanding. The valid legal text remains the French one available on this page.

For bookings from 04 December 2020:
  • Free postponement of departures cancelled due to COVID1
  • Full refund of payments made one month before departure due to COVID1
1 Applies if one month prior to departure the destination is officially closed because of COVID.


The hire of a converted van from the rental company, formalised by the establishment and signature of a rental contract, implies the hirer's acceptance without reservation of any kind of the general rental conditions. We therefore recommend that you read them carefully.



The main driver and, if applicable, the additional driver mentioned on the contract, must have a valid driving licence of more than three years.

When signing the rental agreement, the hirer and main driver must present the following documents:

  • A valid identity document.
  • Proof of residence less than one year old in his/her name - original paper document or electronic document (water, electricity, gas or telephone (including mobile phone) bill, or tax notice or certificate of non-taxation, or insurance receipt (fire, rental risks or civil liability) for the dwelling, or title deed or rent receipt.
  • A valid driving licence (duplicate or photocopy not accepted). The licence must be legible, valid (the hirer must hold a car licence), held for more than 3 years. For licences issued outside the EU: written in French or accompanied by an official translation. If this is not the case, an international permit must accompany the original licence.
  • A means of payment to proceed to the payment of the rental.
  • A credit card with sufficient funds to pay the security deposit - amount not cashed during the rental period (see article 5.2).

Failure to comply with these conditions or the non-delivery of one of these documents may result in the immediate cancellation of the contract, without refund of the sums paid by the hirer for the reservation of the fitted van.



2.1 – Booking

The reservation of a van by the hirer is done in 3 steps:

  • Reservation request made by the hirer, including his choices in terms of the type of vehicle, accessories and fittings, and dates. This request can be made:
    • Via the Corsica Camper website.
    • Directly from the rental company or one of its websites.
    • Through a partner holiday retailer or general rental company.
  • Confirmation in return by the rental company to the hirer of the availability, by e-mail, including a quotation mentioning the dates, the vehicle (and its fittings and accessories), and the price applied.
  • Payment by the hirer of a 30% deposit, with a minimum of 200 euros, of the rental price, by credit card. The reservation is not effective until the rental company has received this deposit.

2.2 – Prices

The rental rate is the one communicated by the rental company in the quote, subject to availability of the van, sent at the time of booking. It can also be included in a package including additional services (campsite reservations, ferry reservations, etc.).

The rental price includes:

  • VAT (the prices mentioned are always inclusive of VAT).
  • The price of the rental of the fitted van according to the tariff period.
  • The accessories, options, and equipment added to the van as described on the site (some of the equipment is available as optional extras).
  • Insurance and 24-hour assistance (see article 6).
  • Limited mileage:
    • 2 days rental: up to 400 km (248 miles).
    • 3 days rental: up to 600 km (378 miles).
    • Rental 4 days or more: unlimited mileage.
  • An authorised driver

2.3 – Payment

Payment of the deposit (at the time of booking) and the balance of the rental can be made:

  • By credit card.
  • By bank transfer.
  • In cash.
  • By ANCV holiday vouchers.

The payment of the security deposit is only made by credit card authorisation. The amount of this security deposit is not cashed during the rental period (see article 5.2).

In the event of non-payment (exceeding the payment deadline):

  • At the time of booking (deposit): the reservation is cancelled.
  • One month before the first day of the rental period, if the payment of the balance has not been made, the rental period may be cancelled by right by the rental company.

2.4 – Cancellation

2.4.1 – Cancellation by the hirer

In case of cancellation of the reservation by the hirer:

  • If more than one month before the rental start date, the deposit will be retained by the rental company, unless the hirer has subscribed to the "Cancellation Insurance" option.
  • Less than one month before the rental start date: the rental company will withhold the following sums from the hirer:
    • Within 7 days of departure: 100% of the total rental price (options included).
    • Between 8 and 14 days: 75% of the total rental price (options included).
    • Between 15 and 21 days: 60% of the total rental price (options included).
    • Between 22 and 30 days: 50% of the total rental price (options included).

2.4.2 – Cancellation by the rental company

The rental company reserves the right to cancel the rental, without refund of the deposit paid, in the following cases:

  • Failure by the hirer to present the documents necessary for the hire on the day the van is made available (details of these documents: Article 1).
  • Failure from the hirer to present himself within 24 hours of the date and time agreed for the provision of the vehicle.
  • Failure to pay on the day the van is put at the hirer's disposal.
  • The seurity deposit cannot be taken by credit card.



3.1 – Description of the rented fitted van

The rental company makes available to the hirer the reserved converted van, characterised by:

  • Its type.
  • The options and accessories that equip it.

In the event of non-availability of the converted van (due to breakdown, accident, delay by the previous hirer, etc.), the rental company undertakes to do everything possible to provide the hirer with a replacement fitted van as soon as possible. This fitted van may have different characteristics from the one reserved by the hirer. In this case, the rental company:

  • If the hirer refuses the replacement van, or the delay, his deposit will be fully refunded (Please note that a van of the same range, but with a different decoration from the one requested, does not constitute a reason for cancellation of the rental by the hirer).
  • If the hirer accepts the replacement converted van and, if applicable, the delay, the rental company will adjust the hire price according to the new vehicle and its fittings and accessories (in the sense of a tariff reduction only) and according to the new hire period.

If no alternative solution can be found by the rental company, the rental will be cancelled and the hirer's deposit will be returned in full.

Under no circumstances may the customer claim damages to cover:

  • The inability of the rental company to provide the rental for the period of time specified, or
  • Late delivery of the fitted van, or
  • The replacement of the reserved fitted van with a replacement fitted van.

3.2 - Delivery of the fitted van

The van can be made available at the rental company's premises, or at any other place of delivery offered by the rental company's agency: airport, train station, etc...

In the event that the hirer recovers his van fitted out in the rental company's premises, and leaves his own vehicle there for the duration of the hire period, the rental company will not be held responsible in the event of breakdown, theft or break-in, attempted theft, damage linked to the forces of nature relating to his vehicle. These claims will have to be covered by the hirer and his insurers.

The vehicle can be equipped with a GPS tracking system enabling it to be located at any time.

The rental company is open from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm every day from the beginning of May to the end of September and is closed on Sundays outside this period. Any delivery or return outside these openings will incur additional charges.

The rental company shall hand over the fully equipped van to the hirer in perfect working order, cleanliness, with a full tank of fuel and clean water, and provided with all the administrative documents necessary for its circulation.

The condition of the fitted van (interior and exterior) is described in the documentation provided during the inventory. The hirer and the rental company undertake to record any apparent defect before departure.

The rental company will not be able to take into account complaints concerning apparent damage that will not have been indicated on the form during the inventory delivery.

3.3 – Return of the fitted van

Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the van will be returned at the same place where it was made available.

The days and times of return of the fitted van will have been validated between the rental company and the hirer prior to the hire.

The return must take place at the date and time indicated on the rental agreement.

In the case of a request for return after the date indicated on the contract, the hirer must inform the rental company 3 days before the return date indicated on the contract:

  • If the rental company agrees, the date of return will be changed. In this case, the hirer authorises the rental company to debit the hirer's credit card with the excess charge calculated on the basis of the current rental rate.
  • If the rental company does not give his written agreement, and the fitted van is not returned on the date set in the contract, the delay will be charged €500 per day of delay, in addition to the rental rate calculated on the basis of the current rental rate. The hirer accepts that the rental company may deduct these penalties from his credit card. Furthermore, the rental company may initiate criminal proceedings for failure to return the fitted van and breach of trust.

In the case of a return on the date indicated on the contract, but later than the time indicated on the contract, the hirer must inform the rental company as soon as possible, but no later than the morning of the day of return. Any unauthorised delay will be charged €50 per hour and deducted from the security deposit.

In the event that the hirer refuses to sign the return description of the fitted van, the hirer will not be able to protect himself against the penalties and costs that may be incurred following the inventory of fixtures unilaterally validated by the rental company.

The fitted van must be returned:

  • Clean inside and out.
  • With a full tank of fuel.
  • With all the fittings, accessories, locking systems and any anti-theft devices provided at delivery.
  • With its documents.

If this is not the case, any repair costs will be borne by the hirer (details of the hirer's financial responsibility in article 5).

3.4 – Recovery of the van by the rental company, with breach of contract

The hirer authorises the rental company to terminate the hire contract and to repossess the fitted van at any time in the following cases:

  • The hirer has not complied with the terms of the rental agreement and the general terms and conditions.
  • The hirer has provided the rental company with misleading information.
  • The fitted van seems to be abandoned.
  • The fitted van has not been returned on the day stipulated in the rental contract.
  • Passengers or the fitted van are endangered.
  • The hirer is in default or late payment situation.



The hirer who is the main driver is solely responsible for the vehicle. He shall ensure the proper use, maintenance and custody of the fitted van and all documents and equipment entrusted to him.

4.1 – Safety of the fitted van

When the fitted van is empty of occupants, the hirer undertakes to ensure that it is parked in accordance with legislation and locked with any anti-theft devices provided by the rental company.

The hirer must not leave the keys and registration papers (original registration papers if provided) inside the van.

It also undertakes to keep accessories such as GPS, telephones, DVD player out of sight when the fitted van is parked and unoccupied.

4.2 – Maintenance of the fitted van

The hirer is responsible for the cleaning and routine maintenance of the furnished van during the rental period, including:

  • Cleaning of the interior and exterior of the fitted van.
  • Checking - visually and with the help of a pressure gauge if it seems necessary - the pressure of the tyres, and inflating them if necessary.
    • In the case of replacement, it must be carried out with tyres of the same size, type, if possible of the same brand, and with wear at least equal to the original ones. As a reminder, the two tyres on the same axle must be identical in size, type, brand and wear.
  • Checking the oil levels, and the various liquids (brake, cooling, etc.), every 5,000 km travelled, and topping up if necessary.
    • It is necessary to contact the rental company to get the reference number of the maintenance products (oil, brake fluid, coolant, etc.) to be used.
  • Checking the fuel level and adding fuel (diesel only)
  • Checking the indicator lights (dashboard)
  • The cleaning of optional equipment such as portable toilets is the responsibility of the hirer. In the case of the portable toilets, a charge of 500 € will be taken from the security deposit if they are not returned perfectly cleaned and reusable.
  • Any accessories provided (pots, crockery, sheets...) will be invoiced if they are not returned in perfect condition by the hirer.

4.3 – Use of the fitted van

The hirer undertakes to comply with the recommendations provided by the rental company at the time of taking over the fitted van. These recommendations relate to the driving of the converted van, the use of its original equipment, and the use of additional equipment added to the vehicle by the rental company.

The rental is strictly personal. The Hirer as main driver undertakes not to allow the fitted van to be driven by persons other than himself and the additional drivers mentioned on the contract.

The hirer as main driver commits himself, during the whole rental period:

  • Not to drive under the influence of alcohol.
  • Not to drive under the influence of drugs.
  • Not to pick up hitchhikers.
  • To respect the number of places provided for in the vehicle registration document.
  • To use the fitted van only for personal use.
  • Do not sub-let the fitted van.
  • Not to carry out transport of persons or goods for payment.
  • Not to overload the fitted van beyond the maximum authorised weight as defined on the vehicle registration document.
  • Not to tow another vehicle, nor to use the rented fitted van to push another vehicle.
  • Not to carry dangerous goods.
  • Not to bring the fitted van into contact with salt water.
  • Not to drive outside the asphalt roads (fields, mud, sand, unpaved roads...).
  • Not to drive on the snow without the equipment provided by the rental company.
  • Not to smoke in the fitted van.
  • Not to climb on the roof of the fitted van.
  • Not to travel with pets.
  • Not to travel to countries not covered by the insurance provided by the rental company (see list of countries on the insurance green card).
  • Not to drive after the possible withdrawal of his/her driving licence.



5.1 – Financial responsibility of the hirer

5.1.1 – Maintenance of the fitted van

The hirer is financially responsible for the cleaning and maintenance operations necessary for the routine upkeep of the fitted van during the rental period, as described in Article 4.2:

  • Cleaning of the fitted van.
  • Adding fuel (diesel) during the rental period and filling the tank at the end of the rental period.
  • Oil and other liquids to be refilled during the rental period if necessary.
  • Replacement of water and gas supplies during the rental period.
  • There is no need to refill the water and gas tank when returning the fitted van.

The costs of repairing the fitted van will be the responsibility of the hirer, in the event that the return inventory indicates a failure to comply with his responsibility for the maintenance of the fitted van:

  • Cleaning, in the case of a fitted van made dirty outside or inside: a minimum charge of 50 € is requested from the hirer. In the case of an extremely dirty vehicle, the cleaning will be entrusted to professionals and deducted from the security deposit for the repair of the vehicle.
  • Fuel: in the case of an underfilled tank, a flat rate of 2 € per missing litre may be charged.

5.1.2 – Repair costs of the fitted van - damage covered by insurance

The financial responsibility of the hirer corresponds to the amount of his security deposit and can be extended in case of proven fault (drunk driving...).

Refer to Article 6 for details of the insurance taken out by the rental company, and the conditions of damage covered by your rental agreement.

5.1.3 – Repair costs of the fitted van - damage not covered by insurance

The hirer is fully liable, up to the cost of repairing the converted van rented by the rental company, in the case of damage not covered by insurance.

Refer to Article 6 for details of the insurance taken out by the rental company and the conditions of damage and theft not covered by your rental agreement.

5.1.4 – Driving fines

The hirer is financially responsible for any fines and penalties (financial and penal) during the rental period: speeding fine, parking ticket, etc.

A handling fee will be charged to the hirer for the management of his offence file with the competent authorities.

5.1.5 – Key and documents losses

In the event of the loss of the keys and/or registration papers of the fitted van, the hirer shall make the declarations required for the issue of duplicates, and replace the items at his own expense.

If the keys are forgotten inside the vehicle, and if the vehicle is closed again, all the costs necessary to re-open and repair the vehicle will be charged to the hirer.

5.2 – Guarantee of the hirer's financial responsibility: security deposit

5.2.1 – Payment of the security deposit

The rental of a fitted van from the rental company requires the payment of a security deposit of 3,000 euros.

This amount may be reduced in the case of subscription to a partial damage waiver.

In the case of the partial damage waiver purchase, the hirer's financial responsibility, in the event of damage to the fitted van covered by the insurance contract, is therefore limited to a new sum less than the standard security deposit. It is also 100% covered for glass and optical breakage.

The amount of the security deposit is not cashed during the rental period.

The security deposit can only be paid by credit card.

The hirer accepts that the rental company is authorised to collect, if necessary, the sums due by the hirer within the scope of this contract. The hirer agrees that the rental company may charge the hirer a levy for the sums due.

5.2.2 – Return of the security deposit

The security deposit is returned 1 month after the return of the fitted van. This period may be extended until the hirer has paid in full any sums due:

  • Cost of reconditioning the fitted van.
  • Driving fines.
  • Penalties for late return of the fitted van.
  • Over-kilometre charges: 0.25 euros per extra kilometre, with a maximum of 20 euros per rental day.
  • Litigation in progress over damage to the vehicle.



6.1 – Coverage of the insurance and assistance contract

Insurance and assistance apply:

  • For incidents and accidents involving the fitted van and third parties, under the responsibility of one of the drivers mentioned on the contract.
  • In the countries mentioned on the green insurance card.
  • For the duration of the rental contract.
  • Subject to the hirer's compliance with all his responsibilities with regard to the fitted van, as described in articles 4.2 and 4.3.

6.1.1 Insurance

The insurance contract included in the rental includes:

  • Motor vehicle liability insurance, to cover all damage caused by the drivers mentioned on the contract:
    • To third parties: buildings, property, persons...
    • To the passengers of the rented fitted van.
  • A personal driver's guarantee.
  • All-risk damage insurance, to cover damage to the rented converted van. In case of total or partial responsibility of the hirer, this insurance includes a deductible, covered by the hirer's security deposit.
  • Insurance against theft and fire. This insurance includes an excess, covered by the hirer's security deposit.
  • Insurance against natural disasters. This insurance includes an excess, covered by the hirer's security deposit.
  • Insurance against acts of vandalism. This insurance includes an excess, covered by the hirer's security deposit.
  • Insurance against glass breakage, headlamp optical damage and tyre damage. This insurance includes an excess of 50 € (except if the option "partial damage waiver" is taken out), covered by the hirer's security deposit.

6.1.2 Assistance to the fitted van

The van assistance included in the rental contract is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and includes:

  • Help with information on filling the accident reports.
  • Assistance in the event of a puncture (within the limit of 300 € and if the option is taken out at the time of booking).
  • Help in case of fuel breakdown.
  • The towing of the fitted van or on-site breakdown service.
  • Accommodation in the event of immobilisation of the fitted van (under the terms of the assistance contract).
  • Repatriation to the rental company's premises in the event of immobilisation of the fitted out van (under the terms of the assistance contract).

In the event of a claim, call 01 55 92 40 00 (France) or +33 1 55 92 40 00 (abroad), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Assistance policy number: 58756778.

In the event of immobilisation of the fitted van following an accident or incident, or following theft, the assistance contract and the rental company do not offer any reimbursement to the hirer for the interruption of his trip, nor any payment of damages.

6.1.3 Assistance to individuals

The personal assistance included in the rental contract includes:

  • Medical repatriation (under the terms of the assistance contract).
  • Coverage of the cost of a visit by a relative in the event of hospitalisation (under the terms of the assistance contract).
  • Sending medicines abroad.
  • Reimbursement of medical and surgical expenses abroad (under the terms of the assistance contract).

In the event of a claim, call 01 55 92 40 00 (France) or +33 1 55 92 40 00 (abroad), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Assistance policy number: 58756778.

6.2 – Incidents not covered by the insurance contract

The following incidents and damages are not covered by the insurance, and engage the full financial responsibility of the hirer:

  • Damage and theft of the personal belongings of the hirer and the passengers of the converted van.
  • Damage occurring if the driver of the rented converted van is not mentioned in the contract.
  • Damage occurring in a country not mentioned on the green insurance card.
  • Damages occurring outside the rental period mentioned on the contract.
  • Damages arising from the hirer's failure to comply with his responsibilities with regard to the maintenance and use of the fitted van, as described in articles 4.2 and 4.3. Non-exhaustive examples of damage not covered:
    • Inadequate fuel use.
    • Damage and deterioration due to careless use of the fitted van (internal and external damage): Torn seats, broken or damaged parts, etc.
    • Damage related to the use of the van in sand, mud and snow.
    • Damages involving the hirer's state of intoxication or drunkenness.
    • Damage resulting from incorrect or false information and/or declarations provided by the hirer to the rental company and its insurer, or from the voluntary omission of information by the hirer, or from the impossibility of using the information provided by the hirer (in particular in the accident report).
    • Damage for which no information relating to the claim was sent to the rental company (in particular the accident report).
    • Damage resulting from abandonment or failure to return the fitted van by the hirer within the time limits mentioned on the rental contract.
    • The theft of the fitted out van following its abandonment or its non-return within the time limits mentioned on the rental contract by the hirer.

The hirer accepts that the rental company is irrevocably authorised to collect the sums owed by the hirer to cover these costs, even if these sums exceed the amount of the security deposit.

6.3 – Functioning of the insurance in case of damage to the fitted van and/or a third party

Two scenarios may arise in the case of damage involving the rented fitted van:

  • The damage caused is under the total responsibility of an identified third party: the insurance of this third party is financially responsible for the costs of repairing the rented converted van. Provided that this third party is identified and insured, the repair costs are at its expense. Management costs are payable by the hirer, amounting to 50 €.
  • The damages caused are under the partial or total responsibility of the hirer: his financial responsibility is engaged.

In the event of disagreement concerning the amount of the reconditioning costs of the fitted van notified by the rental company, the hirer shall have the possibility of requesting, at his own expense, an expertise carried out by an expert approved by the courts, within 10 days of the notification of the request for payment sent by the rental company.

The conclusions of this expert will be binding on both parties.

In the event that the hirer is involved in several claims during the rental period, each claim independently will give rise to the application of compensation in accordance with the above terms and conditions.



7.1 – In the event of an accident

In the event of an accident involving a third party, it is the responsibility of the hirer:

  • To complete an insurance report (failing which the hirer will be deemed responsible) allowing:
    • To identify the conditions of the claim, and the responsibilities of the different parties (hirer and third parties).
    • To identify the third party: name, telephone details, driving licence number, registration number.
  • To notify the rental company immediately, so that the rental company can:
    • Report the claim to the insurance company within 48 hours.
    • Initiate the assistance procedure, if necessary.

7.2 – In the event of an incident or breakdown

In the event of an incident or breakdown of the fitted van, it is the responsibility of the hirer:

  • To notify the rental company immediately.
  • To initiate the assistance procedure, if necessary.
  • Not to carry out any repair or replacement of parts without the agreement of the rental company.
  • In the case of repairs or replacements of parts carried out with the agreement of the rental company, to have the invoices drawn up and kept in the name of the rental company. These invoices will be reimbursed by the rental company if the incident or breakdown corresponds to normal wear and tear and the hirer is not liable (see article 4, liability of the hirer).

7.3 – In case of theft or attempted burglary

In the event of theft, or attempted burglary resulting in damage to the fitted van, it is the responsibility of the hirer:

  • To notify the rental company immediately so that the declaration of theft or attempted burglary and robbery is made, by the rental company, to the insurance company within 48 hours.
  • To file a complaint within 24 hours of the facts to the police station or gendarmerie nearest to the place of theft. He will be given a receipt for his statement. This procedure enables the search to be launched. It will also be the means of releasing the rental company from responsibility if the thief causes an accident.



8.1 – Use of personal information

The hirer accepts that the rental company collects personal information concerning him/her (address, telephone number, email...).

This information is confidential and will not be divulged by the rental company.

This information will be used by the rental company:

  • To ensure the reservation of the camper van and the drawing up of a rental contract.
  • To supply the rental company's customer base (archiving of customer information following rental, sending promotional offers with the hirer's agreement, etc.).
  • To settle any dispute and to enforce the general rental conditions.

The traceability tool placed on the vehicle can be used as proof in any dispute, theft or situation making it useful.

8.2 – Access, modification and storage of personal information

In accordance with the law, the hirer has the right to access, communicate, modify, rectify and delete personal information collected by the rental company. He/she may exercise this right by writing by post or e-mail to the rental company's agency with which he/she has contracted the rental.

The rental company will archive the personal information on a reliable and durable medium constituting a true copy, in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code. The rental company's archives will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, reservations, payments and transactions between the parties.

These archives are accessible to the hirer on simple request by post or e-mail addressed to the rental company's agency with which he has contracted the rental.

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